Cankles is an expression used to describe a combination of the calf and ankle. In this case, the lower part of the leg appears thicker and lacks a defined shape, often due to ankle swelling. This occurs when the calf seems to merge with the ankle, creating a uniform appearance instead of the usual distinction between the two areas. While it’s not a medical term, many people use the expression to describe this particular physical feature. Sometimes, cankles can also be a health concern, indicating potential underlying health issues.
Unlike typical fat, lipedema fat exhibits specific differences in its distribution, appearance, and symptoms. Understanding these differences is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
Lipedema surgery, specifically liposuction for lipedema, is a treatment option aimed at improving the quality of life for those affected by this often misdiagnosed condition. In your search for treatment options, understanding the lipedema surgery process can help set your expectations and provide insight into what the procedure entails.